Schoolworx - Wellbeing allows school staff and support teams to manage the welfare and safety of all students, their emotional, social and intellectual progress as well as their conduct and behaviour.
Well-being support is provided by a number of modules:
Core integrated modules:
- Alerts Notifications
- Welfare Notes
- General Notes
- Learning Provisions
- Personalised Learning
- Behaviour
- Merits and Awards
- Character Strengths
- Non-Attempt Notifications (high schools)
Separate modules:
- Learning Adjustments (NCCD)
- Well-being Appraisals
The well-being section contains sections for confidential welfare notes (highly secured), sections for more general notes, learning provisions and personalised learning, along with behaviour and awards.
The welfare notes section provides schools with the option of managing a highly secured context, that can be restricted to only welfare teams to monitor and manage but allowing teachers to add notes as required.
Learning provisions are easily managed, with details about provisions available, and individualised learning plans that are provided for students. The Personalised Learning section allows for recording a range of evidence of the strategies, plans and adjustments, etc provided for the student.
Details of concerns and reported issues, along with (both positive and negative) behaviour are recorded and made available to staff on a need-to-know basis in Schoolworx together with appropriate actions and form-letters are available for parent notification. Additional reports can be added to an outstanding issue if required and reflections from other sources can be added and recorded with an issue. Relevant staff can be automatically notified when issues arise, and parents can be notified via email, SMS or the parent portal.
Privileged users can access the student welfare notes and behaviour history through the student profile. Issues can be analysed by year, category, severity and action taken.
The Learning Adjustments module is provided to allow teachers to easily record details about adjustments provided to students within their classes in line with NCCD guidelines. (Refer to Learning Adjustments (NCCD) page.)
The Well-being Appraisal system is used for conducting a review of the welfare of students across the entire school. (Refer to Well-being Appraisals page.)